3 Steps to Witness to Anyone

Most of us know someone who is unsaved, backslidden, or spiritual lost.

Many of us have a relationship with a person who needs a church home.

The Book of Romans reminds us that, “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.

[But] how can they call on the one they have not believed in?

And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard?”

Translation: Drowning people get rescued when we throw them a life preserver!

Sinners get saved when we introduce them to the Savior!

Beloved, we ALL have been commissioned by Christ to “go into all the world and preach the gospel”.

Let’s be clear about something: The preaching of the gospel is not just the responsibility of the Pastor.

To preach the gospel simply means to share what Christ did in your life.

You don’t have to be “perfect”, or know Hebrew, or be some minister before you preach the gospel.

Friend, you have power to be a witnesses for Christ.

Don’t allow fear, condemnation, or some insecurity to be the reason why you never tell someone about Jesus.

Aren’t you glad someone lead you to Christ?

Here are THREE simple steps to evangelize or witness to anyone…in 5 minutes or less:

(1) Describe what your life was like before Christ

(2) Talk about why you became a Christian

(3) Explain how God is changing and blessing your life

Today is the day of salvation for someone.

Let’s do our part – Testify. Witness. Evangelize. Share. Preach. Invite.

Rev. Teddy Otobo-Sheriff (tos4god) serves as the Senior Pastor of Richmond Christian Church in Staten Island, NY.

No One Else, No Other Name

“Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.” Acts 4:12

This is an offensive statement to some.

Such a declaration is not politically correct to others.

To say that there is only one way, is considered intellectual bigotry, cultural insensitivity, and spiritual “narrow mindedness”.

But Christianity is very much a narrow faith.

Jesus said: The road that leads to life is small and narrow.

And Jesus is that road!

Or to say it another way: Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Him.

The Bible is clear: No one else, no other name

That includes men who had visions and women who did noble things.

This includes Caesars who mandate praise and dictators who demand worship.

No one else, no other name.

To make an exception is to do violence against the Gospel.

To add a caveat is to dilute the significance of the Cross.

To admit any other deity or being (human or spiritual) into the same league as Christ, is to place ourselves under a curse.

No one else, no other name. 

Christ is our Messiah – the promised Son of God who was sent to take away our sins.

Christ is our Great (and Final) High Priest – pointing to His perfect sacrificial life.

Christ is our Intercessor – praying for us and handling our prayers.

Christ is our Vine – sustaining us to bear fruit that remains.

Christ is our Shepherdleading us because we know His voice.

Christ is our King – supreme and sovereign ruler over all.

No one else, no other name. 

Some people think salvation requires “some thing else” in addition the Christ.

Maybe a good deed or a religious act.

Perhaps a special prayer or a spiritual incantation.

The Bible is clear: Salvation is a free gift of grace.

Free means we didn’t work for it.

Gift means we didn’t buy it.

Grace means we didn’t deserve it.

Salvation is a FREE GIFT OF GRACE!

It doesn’t matter who you are.

It doesn’t matter what you did.

It doesn’t matter how long it’s been.

If you would like to receive this free gift, all you need to do is confess with your mouth and believe in your heart.

Now is the time to be saved from self, sin, death, and hell.

Now is the time to call on the name of the Lord and be saved.

Today is the day of salvation!

Tos4god serves as the Senior Pastor of Richmond Christian Church in Staten Island, NY



The Galilean Carpenter was trained in the craft of wood making, but He dappled in the art of medicine.

The Gospels tell us that deformity, disease and death didn’t stand a chance when He made house visits or interrupted funerals. But His medical practice wasn’t limited to the body.

This Rabbi Healer spoke about eyes, hands and hearts that sin. This Doctor practiced a different kind of medicine.

Jesus Christ – pure at birth, perfect in life – came down into an evil infested, sin contaminated world; not wearing a hazmat suit.

Christ became flesh and dwelled among us and interacted with the spiritually unclean: tax collectors, prostitutes, Samaritans, lepers, Gentiles, and “sinners.”

Doctor Luke records the Physician-Messiah saying: It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.

Jesus came to see humble patients who self-diagnosed their sinful ways, recognized their wicked hearts, and confessed wretchedness and then called out for help or pulled out healing virtue.

This Doctor practiced a different kind of medicine.

He not only donated organs, but He offered His body – sacrificially.

He not only donated blood, He said this is my blood which is poured out for many.

The remedy for mankind’s disease did not come in an herb, an ointment, a drink or a tablet.

The prescription wasn’t as pain free as a seven-time dip in the dirty Jordan River or a push into the “water stirred” pool at the Sheep Gate.

The cure would come in the form of a wooden Cross.

The procedure was gruesome.

Our Great Physician was pricked with thorns and pierced with nails for our transgressions, noncompliance, and rebellion.

He was slapped, crushed and bruised for our iniquities and sins.

He endured undeserved punishment and the penalty of death so we could enjoy unmerited blessings.

The Son of God was hated, insulted, and rejected by men, so men could be at peace with God.

Because of the stripes on His back…

our sick souls are cured

our hearts are new

our bodies are healed 

Jesus Christ was wounded so we could be made whole.

Do you know this Physician?

Tos4god serves as the Senior Pastor of Richmond Christian Church in Staten Island, NY.




We dread the word. 

We prefer express lines, EZ pass lanes and self checkout kiosks.

We’ll pay the extra fee for overnight, rushed deliveries. 

We live in an microwave society, an instant culture. 

We want it now, immediately, not today – but yesterday. 

But despite our habitual use of unhealthy hormones; there are some things that need to grow naturally and organically. 

The good stuff takes time: fine wine, expensive diamonds, beautiful pearls, strong oak trees. 

Long lasting, enduring, sustainable things develop, grow, and mature over time. 

This principle also applies to our spiritual lives. 

Isaiah tells us that when we wait on the Lord, our strength will be renewed

The Psalmist teaches us that when we couple waiting with courage, our hearts will be strengthen

Jesus talked throughout the Gospels, in parables, about the importance of prepared waiting.

All the NT Epistle writers remind us, in their own stylistic way, that we are waiting for Christ second coming

We don’t have to worry about God coming through on His promise. 

Galatians explains to us that in the fullness of time, God sent His Son.

God works according to His calendar and His time table. This is called – God’s will.  

But waiting on the Lord to act, waiting for God to answer is easier said than done. 

The wilderness between Egyptian bondage and Canaan blessing is vast. 

The time between God’s promised word and God’s fulfilled word might be years. 

The turnaround period between the dream and reality can be discouraging, difficult, & dark 

Weeping endures for a night, but some of us have been waiting a very long time for joy to come in the morning. 

But if we’re going to wait on the Lord, than we need to wait the right way. 

Waiting that results in blessing is waiting that is seasoned with patience

Waiting that results in judgement is waiting that is contaminated with complaining.

But let’s be honest, it’s hard to wait.   

Waiting means that we are NOT in control.

Waiting runs counter to our cultural conditioning. 

Waiting is impossible to do in our own strength.

That’s why we need the infilling, empowering presence of the Holy Spirit.

One of the signs that Spirit is growing in our lives is the fruit of patience.  

And the only way to show if we have patience is to wait for something. 

Patience is not an empty exercise; patience is a character building process

Here’s the bottom line: To wait is an expression of faith, an unshakable confidence, and a rock solid trust that God will perform what He promised. 

Wait, He’s preparing a table for you.

Wait, He’s preparing a place for us

Wait, He will give you strength

Tos4god preaches at Richmond Christian Church in Staten Island, NY.