The plan of God

It’s complicated.

It’s crooked now.

It’s been written off.

It’s lost.

God has a plan.

It’s depleted, short and insufficient.

It’s badly broken, bruised and injured.

It’s feeble, frail and weak.

God has a plan.

It’s painful, difficult and very hard.

It’s considered impossible and unlikely.

It’s embarrassing, shameful and unpleasant.

God has a plan.

It’s been cancelled, suspended, terminated, rejected, denied.

It’s confusing, overwhelming and stressful.

It’s not ideal, preferred or desired.

It’s viewed as a problem and can be classified as a challenge.

God has a plan.

It’s a plan to prosper you, to give you a hope and a future. [Jeremiah 29:11]

Trust God.

Be still and do what He says.

Let go and walk in His grace today.

God is bigger than the “it” in your life.

Rev. Teddy Otobo-Sheriff (tos4god) serves as the Senior Pastor of Richmond Christian Church in Staten Island, NY. To listen to his sermons, click here.