Jesus changed my life

I once was lost, but now I’m found. 

I once was blind, but now I see. 

I once was bound, but now I am free. 

I once was a slave to sin and an enemy of God, but now I am a child of God. 

I once was in the realm of darkness, but now I am in the Kingdom of light. 

I once was in a pig pen in shame, but now I am seated with Christ. 

I once was governed by my flesh, controlled by my old nature and the influenced by the patterns of this world, but now I am led by, filled with, and producing the fruit of the Spirit. 

I once was dead in my sin, but now I am alive in Christ. 

Jesus changed my life. Has He changed yours?

Rev. Teddy Otobo-Sheriff serves as the Senior Pastor of  Richmond Christian Church in Staten Island, NY. For more info, visit